Information sourced from Jonite
While storm drains is the most common type of drain & grating, they’re not the only kind of gratings that are needed. Gratings can be used to cover a wide variety of drainage systems in order to keep surfaces dry and usable. It can even be used to cover non-drainage areas, such as ventilation areas.
Gratings come in many different shapes, sizes, and materials. This makes it possible to choose grates that meet your application. But first, it’s essential to understand which grating options work for each situation & considerations you should take when choosing gratings.
Create Linear Drainage Systems
When used in conjunction with a trench drain system, a trench drain grate can keep areas that have a tendency to flood from doing so.
For example, add a trench drain grate straight across the driveway to prevent standing water and damage to the home or other structures. A network of trench drains can quickly collect all of the excess water on these surfaces and divert it to stormwater or other drainage points.
In a similar way, trench grates are an important part of outdoor water features. These gratings make it easier to manage the water, while also creating visual interest and making the feature a more grandiose object.
When the grate is laid across the channel, it should create a flush surface with the surrounding ground. Occasionally, you may need to add grate shims in order to make this happen. Grate shims are around 30mm wide and permanently fused to the grating during fabrication. They can be created in any thickness in order to meet the desired grate height.
If you’re looking to add a bit of flair to the edge of your channel gratings, you may want to consider installing tile strips. These tile strips can be used to cover concrete drains and are made of a similar material to the grating.
Custom curve grates allow you to create a trench grate that fits any space you need. Jonite trench grates are available in any radius. While there are multiple methods of installing curve grates, using L-trimmers as shoulder seating is a common option. L-trimmers come in a two-piece set, consisting of an inner curvature and outer curvature. This allows for a highly accurate setting of the curved grate.

Protect Tree Roots with Tree Grates
Tree grates encircle a tree’s trunk, covering the area where a tree pit would otherwise be. Their main purpose is to protect the tree’s roots from passing traffic. Slots in the grating allow rain and air to permeate the ground and make their way to the tree roots.
Over time, the tree trunk will grow to a size where it no longer comfortably fits in the opening of the tree grate. Utilising tree grate reducers allows you to plan for this expansion. Reducers are available in a variety of inner and outer diameters. When the tree requires it, you simply have to remove the reducer.
Another common feature of tree grates is lockable grates. Grates are usually made of valuable material so you may be worried about the possibility of theft. If this is the case, lockable grates decrease this worry while still allowing for easy maintenance.
Since tree grates are commonly installed in pedestrian zones, keeping this in mind is critical to maintaining the use of the space. Be sure to choose slot designs that are heel-proof and ADA-compliant whenever possible.
Use Pool Grates to Keep Poolside Areas Safe
Overflow pools create a dramatic yet smooth match between the water line and the surrounding environment. Unfortunately, their flushness tends to lead to excess water around the pool deck. However, Jonite’s pool drainage grates are specifically designed to work with overflow pools.
Pool grates are functionally similar to other drainage grates. However, they are uniquely designed to be used in areas where people are walking and playing barefoot.
When choosing pool grates, you need to consider the people that will be using the area. A non-slip material is required to maintain a safe and lower-liability area. In the same way, slots that are small enough can protect little ones’ toes from getting caught. Choosing ADA-compliant pool grates can also help ensure people of any age and ability can enjoy the poolside.
Occasionally, pool drains require an irregular joint or an odd end. In this case, you can solve the problem by using grate tiles. These are non-perforated pieces made with the same material and colour as the rest of your grate. You can cut light-duty models on-site with a circular saw. However, if you need heavy-duty grate tiles, you’ll need to create a template and send it in for custom fabrication. Grate tiles can also be used with trench drains.
While rectangular pools are standard, many designers choose other shapes. Since pool drains and grates follow the shape of the pool, the grates need to allow for this. Luckily, you can easily plan for this by choosing curved grates. These options are similar to those available for curved trench grates.
Alternatively, you can use pool grate blank ends. These have a 50mm allowance on each side, to allow for trimming. They are also perfect to use as end pieces that require odd lengths.

Don't forget about point drainage systems
Point drainage systems are a critical, yet often overlooked source of drainage. These systems must prevent environmental contamination and accidental falls. As a result, maintenance hole covers, also known as sump covers, were manufactured.
Sump covers and drains are useful in collecting water around softscapes and lawns. However, you can also add this drainage system to the rest of your landscape’s drainage.
Depending on the size of your point drain, you may need to add a spline with your sump cover. Splines are strengthened and reinforced in order to meet the required load. This helps hold the weight of two or more grate pieces together. It’s important to note that if you require a spline both ends must be firmly embedded in the concrete seating.
Sump covers often offer or require the same additions as other types of gratings. Grate shims and tile strips are commonly used, just like with trench drain grates.
L-trimmers or L-trimmer frames are also recommended when using heavy duty sump cover grates. These help provide additional support to the grate while also adding a bit of aesthetic interest.
Use grates for hygienic bathrooms
Bathroom grates are used in public toilets to keep them hygienic and safe. These gratings can be used around urinals, cubicles, and washbasins. They can even be used as part of public showers to drain water quickly.
Traditionally, stainless steel was used in these situations. While this option is easy to maintain, it can easily become slippery. Reinforced stone bathroom grates provide a beautiful, safe, and clean option for bathroom gratings.
Choosing bathroom grates requires a few different considerations than other grating types. For example, load rating only needs to be for pedestrian applications, while ADA-compliance is usually necessary. In addition, the material you choose should be slip-resistant and less susceptible to stains. Gratings that have a rounded-edge curve profile, like Jonite’s, are easier to clean and maintain.
It is important to note that Jonite bathroom grates can also be used in outdoor baths.
Prevent slips with floor drain grates
Floor drain grates can also be used in bathrooms or other spaces to quickly drain water. They can be used to drain work areas, such as restaurant kitchens. Or they can help keep excess water from open spaces such as garages. Either way, the possibilities created by interior drains and grates are endless.
By using a tile-up point drain design, you can turn almost any tile into the drain cover you want. This allows you to keep a smooth aesthetic flow in the flooring, while still benefiting from point drains. If you need frequent access to the pipes below the drain in order to clean them, you should consider hinged drain grates.
It’s quite easy for floor drains to become breeding grounds for pests and foul air. Because of this, look for floor drains that have strainers and restrainers fitted to work with the drain trap. Choosing a drain that easily prevents stagnant water and makes stain removal easier can also decrease the maintenance needed.
In order to make floor drains truly effective, care should be made in the planning of the flooring. If the floor drain is being used in an area that must be drained quickly, consider sloping the floor so any liquid flows towards the drain(s).
Optimise airflow using ventilation grilles
Ventilation is a key concern when designing buildings, especially ones focused on green design. Ventilation grilles are specialty grates that make it easier to incorporate ventilation into your property.
When installing ventilation grates, there are several considerations to make. First, their placement is critical to determine. These grates can be installed either vertically or horizontally depending on the use.
Next, it is important to consider the amount of airflow that is necessary. Some grates will need many larger holes in order to accommodate increased airflow. Others will not need this.
In addition, if the grate is on the floor, foot traffic needs to be accounted for. The grate should be sturdy enough for someone to walk over and should contain holes that are small enough to prevent anything from falling through.
Meanwhile, grates in walls can have additional use. Ventilation grilles can be load-bearing, expanding their capabilities. Or, the grate can be kept light so that it can be accessed if need be.