Why SABdrain?

The SABdrain Advantage

SABdrain VS the Competition

When compared to a polymer concrete channel, our polypropylene channels are lighter, easier to install, have a quicker flow rate, and more strength than your standard polymer concrete channel
Polymer benefits 1Polymer vs sabdrain table
Polymer Concrete ChannelSABdrain Channel
93KG per unit (200mm x 200mm)Weight19.7KG per unit (200mm x 200m)
6M per hourInstallation Time10M per hour
95 (Gauckler Strickler)Flow Rate80 (Gauckler Strickler)
-Strength23x Greater Tensile Strength, 9X Greater Compressive Strength
  • High Density Material = Less Weight = Less Breakages
  • Precision Assembly
  • Preset cut out for corners - no additional fittings needed
  • Manufactured & tested to EN1433:2008 & AS3996:2006
  • High quality surface for superior hydraulic performance
  • Easy to handle, transport & install

Learn more about our range

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What makes SABdrain different?

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