Peachtree Hotel

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Peachtreehotel 3

The Peachtree hotel in Penrith was purchased by the Marlow Hotel Group in June 2018 and renovated extensively. The reinvigorated venue brings warmth, friendly service and a close-knit community vibe to the area and allows the local community to enjoy the space 7 days a week. With a wide variety of casual dining options, functions spaces, sports bar, a generous outdoor garden area and enormous children’s play area this venue offers a relaxing, family focused place for locals to meet and families to enjoy some food and drinks .

The SABdrain 601 drainage system proved to be the ideal choice for the children’s play area due to its exceptional design and functionality. Engineered with safety in mind, the system effectively manages surface water runoff, preventing the formation of puddles and ensuring a dry and slip-resistant play surface. Heel guard, lockdown grates ensure utmost security for the area. Its efficient drainage capabilities also contribute to maintaining a clean and hygienic environment, essential for children’s health and well-being.